Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sleepy Head

           Yesterday, as usual, I slept during our Chemistry period. Most of the time I didn't care what happened in class. Our teacher doesn't bother. I guess she believed I could handle her subject. I used to be an active pupil in her subject. But ever since I moved to that seat beside the window, in front of Grendel [ we name our electric fans] I stopped focusing. That seat is so so so comfortable. Nobody notices me that much. But seriously, I hate to say it, but I want to move again. I can't concentrate there. 

           So anyways, what happened is after discussing, our teacher asked us to pair up. I picked Meia [genius] to be my partner but Ma'am J told me not to pair up with her. Then I went back to my seat to pair up with Irish [another genius] but Ma'am J still didn't want me to pair up with her. Then she picked Aya to be my partner. Aya wasn't much of a nerd. She's another story. And so, I sat beside her. Ma'am J stated the instructions and boom! When I looked at the items, I WAS CLUELESS. I didn't know anything about anything written on the book. When I asked Aya if she knew about our lesson, guess what?She, too, didn't pay attention to our teacher. So we couldn't answer anything. I tried to solve the problems but, Ma'am J kept giving me this that's-wrong-solve-it-again look. But the good thing was, we ran out of time. She decided to make it as a homework. Yes! 

          When I got home, I turned on my PC then tried to search about our topic which is Molecular Mass, by the way. But after hours of searching, I learned absolutely nothing. I was too busy looking at other sites and I couldn't understand anything the internet people were saying. I gave up and didn't do my homework. The next morning [which is today], I woke up early. I went to school early. I waited and waited for someone I knew to teach me our Chemistry lesson. Stephanie was the first person I saw. She clearly understood the lesson. I got her to teach me this and that then voila! My homework is done :) Guess what, I was one of those people who got a high grade. All credits to Stephanie :D Thanks for teaching me about the lesson!


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